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Welcome to the lockdown diaries! Here I will attempt to keep some kind of diary of day to day lockdown as a little memoir to look back on in years to come.

Like many things in my life I am really late to this as I have been on lockdown for 427 days….(or 27 days officially) So I will give an overview of the last 3 weeks.

I have attempted to homeschool, realised very quickly that I am no teacher. 

I have tried to keep to a normal daily routine, and swiftly given up on that as nothing about this current situation is normal. 

The kids now have no official bedtime and what time they go very much depends on how shit a day I have had ,it could go either way any night as to whether they stay up or go to bed in disgrace!

Poorly cats in a lockdown situation is a nightmare!! Taking a cat to the vets is especially difficult when you’ve lent your cat box to a friend. Leaving you the only option to take poorly cat in a massive cage and because of social distancing being observed within the practice handing the cat over in the car park like cat is a bomb.

I have consumed A LOT of Netflix – the tiger king and glow are a highlight and Louis Theroux is still amazing….

Alcohol is my friend and Instagram is hilarious – Rob Beckett has definitely won the insta crown of late. I miss driving  Doing shopping for the in laws is the highlight of my week.

Podcasts keep you sane Shagged Married Annoyed is still my favourite but I am currently binge listening to my dad wrote a porno and it is oh so funny! I miss driving so much without the bigger kids because this was the time that I listened to my podcasts – the 2 mentioned are most certainly not kids friendly!

I love cooking but feeding a family of 5 breakfast lunch and dinner is a pain in the arse and I can not wait to go out for a meal somewhere.

My kids are never full. Ever.

The announcement today  re:Lock down / social distancing / self isolating is that it will continue for a least 3 more weeks……holy fucking hell!!

About Post Author

Samantha Griscti

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