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Tuesday 26th May

The website saga continues and after hours of careful re-design I have just discovered that I should have been using wordpress.org and I have been using wordpress.com. I now have to start all over again

Wednesday 27th May

Apparently you need a hosting platform to use wordpress, I decided to shop around with absolutely no idea what to look for so in the end I opted for Dreamhost. No idea if this is good bad or ugly but I like the name and most importantly the price.

Thursday 28th May

Had a minor break though today, I have managed to migrate all my blogger content over to my new website samanthagriscti.com and set a ‘coming soon’ homepage. I am so proud of myself, if i’m honest i’m not really sure how I did it but it seems to be working. Now I just need to learn some code and re-design the whole site…….

Friday 29th May

Fucking fuckity shit balls, and a massive cock bag of tits….

Saturday 30th May

Had a fairly serious meltdown, almost threw the computer out of the window and drank a bottle of wine. I have agreed that I might need his help with the redesign so have roped in the other half to see if he can make my site look better than the current array of madness that it has become!

Sunday 31st May

Frank: If I didn’t have a body I’d just be a floating head and it would look like I was on top of an ocean

This by and large sums up my Sunday it was nice, much like a floating head.

Monday 1st June

Me to Nancy today: ‘You must think about the words that you say to your brother – they will hurt his feelings’

Her reply: ‘You think that I can do that? I have enough to think about in my brain there’s not enough room for that too’ Poor Frank its a good job he has thick skin.

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